Cybersecurity Tips We Can No Longer Afford To Ignore (Ep. 87)

Have you ever considered how vulnerable your personal information is in today’s digital world?

Do you feel like you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself online?

In this episode of The Green Zone Podcast, Lauren Smith is joined by Green Financial Group Director of Marketing, Claire Holmes, to explore the critical importance of cybersecurity. Drawing from Claire’s personal experience with an identity theft and social media hacking incident, they delve into simple, practical steps everyone can take to feel more protected in their digital lives. Together they discuss:

  • Why using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) on public Wi-Fi is essential for protecting your data
  • Ways to spot sophisticated phishing attacks via email and text to protect yourself from identity theft or other cyberthreats
  • How enabling MFA (multi-factor authorization) on any online account you can is one of the best ways you can safeguard information online (yes, even if it requires a little bit of extra time on your part!)
  • Ideas for how to incorporate stronger, more complex passwords into your digital lives
  • Insights into the company’s strong cybersecurity practices, including phishing tests and employee training from Raymond James
  • And more!

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Financial Strategies For Life’s Big Transitions Ahead (Ep. 86)

Do you feel prepared to face life’s most challenging transitions? For milestones such as becoming caretakers for your parents as they age, preparing for your retirement from your career and even planning for health concerns for yourself or loved ones, it’s important to have a solid plan in place. While conversations around these issues can be difficult, it’s essential to discuss them openly with your financial advisor as they impact both your everyday cash flow as well as how you will want to strategically manage your investments and customize your financial plan. In this episode of The Green Zone Podcast, co-hosts Jeff Green and Lauren Smith delve into these significant life changes, talking through a few key financial approaches that can help you navigate them with confidence. Together, they discuss:

  • The types of transitions many of their Baby Boomer clients are currently facing
  • Why it’s important to establish Power of Attorney and clear estate plans
  • How to think about planning for long-term care and the associated costs
  • Ways to manage the emotional and logistical aspects of estate management and planning for your future
  • Strategies for consolidating assets and organizing critical documents
  • Recommendations for how to have open and ongoing conversations with family about future responsibilities
  • And more!

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Our Favorite Business, Life & Leadership Lessons (Ep. 85)

In this milestone episode of The Green Zone Podcast, co-hosts Jeff Green and Lauren Smith celebrate the 16th anniversary of Green Financial Group. They reflect on the leadership lessons learned over the years and discuss how their approach to team building and growth has shaped their office, team and culture. They each share specific insights on what they believe has helped them feel successful in their roles as leaders within the office, build a thriving team and develop a vision for the business they are excited about. Together they discuss:

  • Celebrating GFG’s 16th Anniversary: Reflecting on the journey from starting Green Financial Group during the 2008 financial crisis to achieving significant milestones.
  • Building a Strong Team: How focusing on core values and hiring the right people has led to the formation of what they consider to be their best team yet.
  • Leadership Lessons: The importance of delegating tasks, listening to team members and trusting others’ expertise for effective leadership.
  • Growth and Vision: Emphasizing the balance between growth for the sake of growth with ensuring that client and team needs continue to be the focus, all while manifesting a visionary approach to future expansion.
  • Complementary Strengths: How their differing perspectives—Jeff’s big-picture vision and Lauren’s detail-oriented approach—create a well-rounded leadership dynamic.

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Business & Tech Trends We’re Watching (Ep. 84)

Are you curious about the technological advancements that could change the way we live and work? In this episode of The Green Zone Podcast, co-hosts Jeff Green and Lauren Smith delve into some fascinating predictions around business and tech trends that we could see coming our way in the next decade. Together they discuss:

  • Autonomous delivery systems and smart technologies
  • Hologram concerts and virtual entertainment
  • The future of tax preparation and voting processes
  • Working from home and changes in commuting
  • Climate change and its increasing visibility
  • The evolution of virtual travel experiences
  • Advances in healthcare technology and telemedicine
  • The rise of digital transactions and alternative currencies
  • Legalization and regulation of marijuana and online sports gambling
  • And more!

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How To Build Wealth Wisdom In The Next Generation (Ep. 83)

Do you want your children to grow up financially savvy, equipped to handle their own finances and eventually, manage your wealth responsibly?

In this episode of The Green Zone Podcast, hosts Jeff Green and Lauren Smith dive into the critical topic of financial literacy for the next generation. From chores and allowances to credit cards and investments, they share practical tips to help parents instill valuable money skills in their children. Join us for this lively discussion that could transform your family’s financial future where Jeff and Lauren discuss:

  • The importance of teaching young children about money through play, such as lemonade stands and creative ventures like Lauren’s childhood seashell business
  • How giving children an allowance for chores can instill a sense of responsibility and the value of earning money
  • The significance of helping kids set and achieve financial goals, using chores to earn money for specific rewards, teaching patience and the satisfaction of earning.
  • The benefits of summer jobs and internships for teenagers and college students, stressing how these experiences teach work ethics and the value of money
  • The importance of introducing young adults to banking, including setting up checking accounts and using credit cards responsibly to build credit
  • Encouraging kids to start investing early, using platforms like Robin Hood to buy fractional shares, thus gaining hands-on experience with the stock market
  • How holding regular family meetings to discuss financial goals, values, and long-term plans can help ensure that children are prepared to manage and steward family wealth in the future
  • And more!

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The Role Of Values In Retirement Planning (Ep. 82)

Do you know what “Retirement Values” are? And if so, do you know what yours will be?

In this episode of The Green Zone Podcast, hosts Jeff Green and Lauren Smith dive deep into the often overlooked topic of retirement values. They explore how understanding your personal values can profoundly impact your retirement planning and fulfillment in life after work. Through engaging conversation and insightful anecdotes, Jeff and Lauren guide listeners through the process of identifying and prioritizing their values, emphasizing the importance of introspection and self-discovery. Together they discuss:

  • Retirement as a transition from defining oneself by work to defining oneself by personal values
  • The challenge of identifying values, which are deeply personal and unique to each individual
  • Examples of retirement values, such as family, adventure, and philanthropy, and how they shape retirement lifestyles
  • The evolving nature of values over time and the importance of periodic reevaluation
  • Strategies for uncovering and prioritizing values, including mind mapping exercises and deep reflection
  • The impact of aligning retirement activities with core values on overall happiness and fulfillment
  • The role of gratitude in fostering positivity and enhancing retirement experiences
  • And more!

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Adulting 101: Money Moves To Master By Age 25 (Ep. 81)

Picture this: your child is graduating and venturing into the real world. Do you feel confident that they’re financially prepared?

In this episode of The Green Zone Podcast, co-hosts Jeff Green and Lauren Smith share their top financial tips that they feel young adults need to understand by age 25. Together they discuss:

  • The importance of financial literacy and starting good money habits early
  • The three basic financial principles they feel all young adults need to embrace: living debt-free, establish an emergency fund and thinking about retirement early
  • Understanding where your money goes each month (and how to create a budget)
  • The importance of not over-relying on parents or family members for financial support
  • Why you must look at the total compensation package when considering a job (benefits, not just salary)
  • And more!


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Tax Surprises Through The 4 Stages of Retirement (Ep. 80)

Are you nearing retirement and worried about navigating the complexities of taxes? Join Jeff Green and Lauren Smith, financial advisors at Green Financial Group, as they tackle the often-overlooked, but crucial, topic of taxes in retirement. While visions of pickleball and leisure may dance in your head, Jeff and Lauren warn that failing to plan for taxes can be a real “gut punch” to your nest egg. Together, Jeff and Lauren discuss:

  • The four stages of retirement: Pre-Retirement, Go-Go Years, Slow-Go Years and No-Go Years
  • Expense considerations in retirement including inflation, longevity and the shift from a structured workweek to “every day is a Saturday!”
  • Understanding how your after-tax retirement savings will work BEFORE you retire
  • Why it’s important to evaluate the next year’s tax bill and project future tax implications, especially regarding Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
  • Staying aware of potential tax traps with Social Security, Medicare and IRA withdrawals
  • Why you should focus on estate planning, even if your estate doesn’t reach the federal tax threshold
  • And more!

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Please note: Neither Raymond James Financial Services nor any Raymond James Financial Advisor renders advice on tax issues, these matters should be discussed with the appropriate professional.

Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted. Additionally, each converted amount may be subject to its own five-year holding period. Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has tax implications. Investors should consult a tax advisor before deciding to do a conversion.

Is Your Financial Advisor Showing You The Love? (Ep. 79)

Does your portfolio feel as dusty as an unopened box of chocolates? Do investment meetings only happen when it’s time to “buy, buy, buy”? If your financial advisor’s idea of love is the occasional market update email, it’s time to ask yourself: is this all there is?

In this special Valentine’s Day episode of The Green Zone Podcast, Jeff Green and Lauren Smith dig deep into the hallmarks of a truly loving financial relationship. We’re talking about advisors who:

  • Ditch the one-size-fits-all approach and listen to your unique goals, dreams (and yes, even pet inheritance plans!)
  • Challenge you with honest conversations, even when it means saying “no” to that risky investment your friend’s mom’s brother’s advisor recommended.
  • Become your financial cheerleader, helping you dream big and plan for the future you deserve, not just meet basic needs.
  • Treat you like family, understanding your values and priorities, and celebrating your financial wins (big and small!).
  • Proactively reach out, keeping you informed, on track, and feeling confident about your financial future.
  • And more…

Plus, get access to a PDF that shares 50 concrete ways your advisor should be showing you the financial love.

Whether you’re seeking a second opinion, wondering what’s really going on with your portfolio, or simply yearning for a true financial partner, we’ve got you covered.

Tune in to the podcast and discover how to find an advisor who not only cares about your investments, but also cares about your entire financial well-being.


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Getting Financially Fit in 2024 (Ep. 78)

Do you feel financially fit? Do you even know what that means? If not, you’re in luck. In this episode of The Green Zone Podcast, hosts Jeff Green and Lauren Smith guide you through the key elements you’ll need to ensure your financial well-being in the coming year. You’ll hear about everything from long-term investments to retirement goals to ways you may want to consider to protect your assets. Together they discuss:

  • The importance of pausing to evaluate your near-term and long-term goals and aligning your investment strategy accordingly
  • How understanding your retirement “buckets” can set you up for success after your career days
  • How you can think about the 60/40 principle in relation to your portfolio
  • The pros and cons of Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and the concept of the “ladder strategy”
  • Taking the equity risk premium into consideration when making investment decisions
  • And more!

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